Pattern support
I do my best to ensure that Tricksy Knitter patterns are reliable. But mistakes do happen, and my apologies in advance if you find one. I try to check in on my Tricksy Knitter email and my Ravelry inbox, but there are too many messages for me to keep up with.
If you think there's an error in the pattern
Please download the pattern again to make sure you have the latest version.
Check the Ravelry page and the Errata page.
If you figure out a fix or just a useful trick, please post it on the Ravelry page for the pattern.
Other useful places for knitting support
The Abbreviations section included in your pattern has a lot of helpful information.
The pattern schematic provides a lot of information about the dimensions and scale of the item.
Use Search on this site to look for the term you need help with. I write step-by-step guides for frequently used techniques on my site.
Check the Ravelry page for the pattern; other knitters often post useful tidbits there.
Happy knitting!